
Friday, June 25, 2010

Google Reader

I discovered Google Reader a few days ago and I cannot believe how handy it is! 

Google Reader: "Read them in one place with Google Reader, where keeping up with your favorite websites is as easy as checking your email."

Um, no brainer.  Sign me up! Or, if you have a Google account of any sort (think GMail), you already are signed up and simply need to utilize this wonderful tool.

The blogs I check on with some regularity are subscribed to and Blammo!, when there is a new post to read the site name is in bold, just like when you get new mail.  Click on it and you can read the latest post(s) right there in Reader.

This is extremely handy at work when I need to take a break.  Rather than mentally conjuring the places I read and hitting them one-by-one because I have yet to use bookmarks with any regularity, I simply sign into Reader and they're all right there. It truly is as easy as checking email.  Even easier since you don't have to comment/respond if you don't feel like it, where with mail you sort of have to answer if you want to keep getting mail.

Once you sign in, you'll find a bunch of mumbo-jumbo that might scare you off (it did me at first: what the hell is all this garbage?), but that garbage is just recommendations to get you started.  Ignore those and click on the "Add A Subscription" link up at the top left.  "Google" your favorite sites, subscribe, and away you go!  

Certainly I realize that this is probably old news to anyone out there that is technologically or Google friendly in any capacity greater than mine, but for slow folks like me it's just now revolutionary. I like to think that I'm being revolutionary myself by spreading the word.

Simply Google "reader" and you'll hit it and your life will change. I swear.    

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