
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hummingbird Cake, Round 2

This isn't really round two for us. Round two was really the time I baked the cake and then, opening the other half of the cream cheese, found it was moldy and Rodney went ahead and ate the entire frost-less cake over five sittings. It's a Rodney's Pick for a reason.

So I made the cake again to use up more of the bananas in the freezer (we had a lot of them in there) and had purchased a fresh 8-oz brick of cream cheese. I made it a point to mix the pecans in the frosting and then frost the cake, unlike last time when I sprinkled the nuts on afterward.

I'll tell you right now that it's much easier to sprinkle the nuts on after the cake is frosted. I don't know what sort of ass-kicking one wants to subject oneself to in order get the frosting nicely smeared over a soft cake when there's a bunch of nuts to contend with. That's asking for a miracle. But I did it.

However, if you choose to put the nuts right in the frosting, don't get frustrated if your nuts drag up cake flesh while frosting. Just put on your best June Cleaver face and get the job done. Frost the friggin' cake and when folks take a bite, they'll forget how hideous it may have looked. Trust me.

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