
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


After having Grandmother Paul's Fried Chicken last night, I was ready to go on ahead and eat some cold fried-chicken leftovers for dinner tonight. After all, I fried 12 thighs when my original plan was to do six, with the intentions of leaving plenty of thighs to do something else with. Rodney's gut couldn't handle fried chicken twice in a row so he suggested we have pizza. Ever the sucker for a pizza, we scrambled to find a place that would still be open after 9 p.m. on a Tuesday night. Pickin's would be slim.

Sure we could've gone the Laventina's route, but I was in the mood for pizza adventure, some place new and thus, exciting. I remembered a place named zpizza near a grocery store we hit occasionally, Google searched, found their site, selected a pie from the menu and called 'em up. Hopes weren't high since delivery is closed at 9, but there was a chance we'd be able to pick up a pie before the doors were officially locked.

Mike answered the phone and told me it wasn't too late! I placed an order for a large American, which consists of organic tomato sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, red onions and bell peppers, though I requested the peppers be substituted with black olives for Rodney's sake. Mike told me the pizza would be ready in 10 minutes. Rodney and I wasted no time hopping into the truck and cruising to zpizza.

The plaza looked like a ghost town, but zpizza's door was propped open, inviting me in. When I walked in, my pizza was being assembled. As I paid for the pie, the pizza went into the large oven. A few minutes later, I was out the door, hot pizza in hand.

The wonderful aroma caused me to drool a little on the ride home. I was highly excited about this pizza!

Finally, we settled in to catch up on older episodes of Lost while munching pizza, plates and napkins in hand. Opening the box, we saw this:

The ingredients looked good and smelled wonderful. Toppings reached the entire span of the pie rather than being piled in the center, which is always a nice thing. I like a little bit of everything in each bite.

Taking a slice, I got this:

Now that's some skinny ass pizza. It's about as thin as Pizza D'Oro's but not as tasty. Duped by the smell, I thought this zpizza would be fantastic and was let-down. While the toppings were OK, they weren't as good or as fresh as Al's New York Cafe and the crust was salty. I'm talking salty as hell, reminding me of that time when I made those rosemary sea salt potatoes.

While customer service was excellent, the pizza was lacking. We won't be back.

$29.91 plus toke makes it $34.91 out the door. That kills me because Napa Valley's BBQ Chicken Pizza is so much better and 10 bucks cheaper!!


I grabbed a cold slice to eat for breakfast on the way to work.  It was so salty, I couldn't finish the slice.  Considering I love pizza so much that I will eat cold Red Baron frozen pizza leftovers happily for breakfast should say something.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.  

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