
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Elvis has Left the Building

Rather, Rodney's left the state.  At 7:35 this morning, Rodney left the apartment complex in which we shared an apartment home together, destined for Michigan, once again on his Buell.  I wonder if he'll stop at the Rooster Country Grill in Colorado for the best yam fries he'd ever had.  And more importantly, whether he'll take a photo of them and send it to me to post.

A nephew and neice to meet for the first time, a neice to become reacquainted with, multiple siblings to harrass, friends to fish and have beers with, a father to share stories with, a mom to roll eyes at, weddings to attend, future in-laws to meet, and a grandmother he needs to apologize to for not calling nearly enough, among other things, prompted Rodney on his soul-searching journey, leaving me with a hole in my heart, a cat that needs to be walked, and too much food in the fridge.

There's going to be a learning curve, a settling-into-a-new-groove period. 

I've got a handful of Rodney-and-I-are-having-for-dinner-posts I need to get on here from the past couple weeks (and you know I post-date my posts for my own reasons), but technically, as of today it's going to be all new again to me.

How in the hell do I cook for one?

Rodney made it to MI without a hitch.  I found out tonight that Rodney did indeed stop on the way for those super excellent yam fries only to find the building was boarded up!  So take note, the Rooster is now closed. Mourn the loss of the best yam fries ever.

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