
Monday, July 5, 2010

Link Within

As a food blogger and bouncing reader of various food blogs (I don't have any I'm "dedicated" to, but am happy to ramble here, there, and everywhere keeping an eye out for anything that intrigues me) I'd always enjoyed that little "You Might Like This" blurb of photos at the end of posts.

I don't know that I have ever clicked on any of those little images at the end of posts, but do enjoy seeing what similar things are available on any particular blog at a glance for future mental reference.

Today, I implemented that little gadget right here on my blog.  Call me a follower, I don't care.  I like that little gadget and am thinking it looks neat on Smells Like Food in Here. Considering that I'm resistant to change, am happy to move forward.

Minutes after utilizing it, I checked out the blog in anticipation of wonder and was disappointed in the results.  They were all random!  None of the blurbs had anything to do with the specific post(s) I looked at. Apparently some time for equilibration is necessary as now it seems the blurbs are relevant.

Let me know if you think it's helpful or just a waste of space.  I'll probably ignore you unless you have a good, very good, rationale for deleting it.  I'm open to change, but remember, am resistant and this was a big step for me.

In other Smells Like Food in Here news, I haven't forgotten about the print option.  I just haven't figured it out yet.  Soon, I tell you, one day in the sometime possibly-near-but-probably-not future, I'll have it nailed and we'll rejoice in the splendor.  Let's just say that I'm still working on it.   

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