
Sunday, August 29, 2010

SunFlour Nine Grain Bread

I've been shopping at Grower's Direct over a couple years now. And I only recently started purchasing bread there. When Rodney was here, he could plow through some bread, so we bought two-loaf packs from Costco. I barely get through a loaf in a few weeks.

When I looked more closely at the bread at Grower's Direct, I checked out the ingredient statement and was wowwed.

Looks like an ingredient statement for bread made at home, doesn't it? No weird sugars, no weird preservatives.

Best of all, it tastes great! It's perfect for making a decent sandwich as it is just soft enough, but still hardy enough, to withstand a nice buttering and skillet-grilling. I love this bread!

If you scoff because you don't think it wouldn't last more than a couple days like that one ciabatta I bought, you'd be wrong. Keep the bread in the bag it came in (be sure to close the bag by twisting or using a tie) and store it in the fridge. I can attest to the fact that you can eat this bread for at least a couple weeks before there is any moldy smell or visible mold. I love this bread!

Now I'm going to make a sandwich, excuse me.

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