
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Started Making Ga Kho for Dinner

Tonight I thought everything was set to make some Ga Kho. I had some whole chicken legs thawed and the marinade prepped.

Once the chicken parts went into the marinade, I went to work on the rice. And I found little black things in the white rice. Little moving things. Little black bugs. Moving. In my rice.

For a split second, ok, maybe 60, I considered rolling with the rice. I mean, they were little bugs. But I got creeped out, pitched the rice, leaving the chicken to marinate in the fridge.

Then I made a ham sandwich.


  1. Clearly I'm really far behind on blog catchup, but make sure you clean out your pantry, stat! Put everything into sealable containers so you can identify and destroy the source of a problem in case it gets bigger.

    Check out my horrible stories starting with this post, that identifies them:

  2. I'd read your posts regarding your unwelcome critters and am thankful I didn't have that problem!

    Once I spied the bugs and threw the rice away, I had no problems with bugs invading any of my other foods.

    While I haven't done any research, I think the bugs arrived in the rice and hatched (like fruit flies on fruit) or were in search of rice specifically.

    My rice storage habits are pretty shoddy. Since I/we used to go through fairly rapidly, I'd keep the rice in the bag it came in, rolled loosely. By the time I was ready to make rice and found the bugs, the bag of rice had been around a while. Thus, my question of bag or Rubbermaid here:
