
Monday, October 18, 2010

Oxtail and Barley Soup, Day 2

Oxtail and Barley Soup

I pulled the Dutch oven from the refrigerator and went ahead to skim the fat off the top with a spoon.

Then I scooped a guesstimated serving into a saucepan, being sure to dig straight down to the bottom of the Dutch oven ensuring a portion of barley.

Over medium-low heat, the soup was reheated until hot, stirring occasionally.

I'll tell you, the soup tasted great! But chawing and slurping the meat off the bones left a little something to be desired regarding texture. And the oxtail pieces were slippery. And the beef was a little on the too-tender side.

As for the barley, since I added it right at the end of cooking instead of 45 minutes from the end, turned out just fine.

I don't know that I'd prepare this again because for one, it's a lot of food. Way too much. And the texture was a little much for me.  Maybe it'd be better with a shorter cooking time?


  • oxtails: $17.82/3.5 lb
  • garlic: $0.08
  • onion: $0.63
  • celery: $0.20
  • carrots: $0.21
  • turnip: $0.27
  • mushrooms: $2.99
  • tomatoes: $0.80
  • wine $1.75

Total: $24.75 but I'll round up to $26 for the sake of the stock and barley, bringing each of 8 servings to $3.25.

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