
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

TK Burgers

TK Burgers was voted OC's Best Burger so I had to try it for the first time. While I dicked around Sunday locating this place on 19th just to find it was closed, tonight was the night!

This TK Burgers location does not have a drive-thru, so you must park in the darkish lot behind the building or in the limited number of spaces in front of the Little Ceasar's adjacent. And TK Burgers is Cash Only, so be prepared if you decide to try it for yourself, though an ATM is available on-site.

Walking in, it felt like a Wahoo's, what with all the stickers on the bright green-blue painted walls. What is it with Orange County and the stickers? The joint is small, with ample table-seating for a Tuesday night. There were only three people seated when I came in, a couple of girls in a booth enjoying their meal over conversation and one guy at a table, waiting for his to-go order. I went straight through to the counter, which is located directly in front of the cooking arena. You can watch the cook make your food if you are not interested in what is playing on the two TV's (Spiderman tonight).

A quick perusal of the over-head menu showed me that the TK Burger and Fries combo was the special. Directly below that was the option of a Mini TK Burger. I asked what the size difference was; the high school-aged girl behind the counter showed me a bag of each size of buns. Opting for the Mini, which was just slightly smaller than the regular, I requested fries and Coke to accompany. Soda's come in two sizes, a 16 and 32-oz. I got the large.

I poured my soda, noting TK has worm-like ice, which I don't particularly care for as it waters down so quickly, and sat down to check out the ceiling which is covered in album covers; the joint between walls and ceiling bordered with skateboards, the walls with other typical OC adornment. Within a few minutes chow was ready and bagged.

Driving my dinner home, I couldn't help but notice the distinct pepper smell in the truck. I wondered if the fries were salted AND peppered - now that would be a treat! Sneaking a fry while driving, I found that peppered fries were not the case. More than that, the fries are not that good. The pepper must be on the burger. Hmm, this burger could be really good.

Pulling the good from the bag, I had a foil-wrapped Mini and fries alongside my Coke.

Opening the foil, the Mini Burger was wrapped in paper, the exposed side all gooey with once-molten cheese. Taking a bite, I found fresh ingredients, particularly thick tomatoes and plenty of red onions and a few layers of lettuce.

And, well, the burger was ok. I liked the fresh vegetables the best, followed by soft texture of the bun, and then the burger patty itself. I didn't realize when asking for a mini burger that the patty itself would be toward miniscule. And where did that pepper smell I smelled on the way home come from? I'm not even sure.

While disappointed, I'm not writing this place off yet. I must try the regular TK burger. I hope the beef in that sucker is worthy of forgoing the not-so-great fries.

Mini-Bargain combo with large Coke: $7.16 -- cash only, though ATM is available on-site.

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