
Saturday, August 6, 2011


I've been itching to try a recipe that is a little bit of a reach for me. Not that the recipe seems difficult, but it consists of components I don't normally eat together to yield something I wouldn't normally consider dinner. That component? Sardines.

I purchased three different tins of sardines: two of them King Oscar brand, one of them Crown Prince. Each are Brisling Sardines in oil. One in extra virgin olive oil, one in regular olive oil, the last in soy bean oil.

The nutritional facts on the packages pretty much read the same, as they should. Lots of protein, no carbs.

And just like I remember from Tom and Jerry cartoons, the tins look like this. The only thing that's missing is the little pin to roll the tin lids back. The "easy open" tab and pull back method yields quite an oil spray across the countertop.

Sardines available in the tuna fish aisle for about $3 a 3.75 oz tin. If you're dying to know, I bought mine at:

Stater Bros.
  • King Oscar in extra virgin: $3.99
  • Crown Prince in soy bean oil: $2.99
  • King Oscar in olive oil: $2.54

1 comment:

  1. I have always fancied taking sardines, bread and a bottle of milk for breakfast every morning. I guess anyone would say i am addicted to sardines. Reading this article, i had a new perspective. Thanks, Amigo!
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