
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pernod Anise Liquor

One of the things I've learned during the past couple of years is that cooking with alcohol really adds a fantastic dynamic to food. I can't tolerate drinking wine and yet I happily dump bottles of the stuff into food.

But when a recipe calls for an optional few tablespoons of anise liquor, one of my eyebrows raise and my pocketbook starts ahem-ing me, warning me that I'm considering wasting money on what might taste like black jelly beans and don't I know how vile those little things are? No matter how hard Jelly Belly tries, they've yet to formulate a nastier candy bean.

I had to try it though. Unfortunately, BevMo! didn't offer this Pernod in a 50-mL airplane-size bottle.

Believe me when I say that you can definitely tell the Pernod is open once you crack the cap.

Pernod anise liquor, available in a 750 mL bottle for $26.99 at BevMo!.

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