
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Maille Dijon Originale Mustard

I like the country blend Maille offers, so when I looked for some Dijon mustard, I bought this stuff. If you click that image above, you'll see in red font on the right side of the black label "HOT". Mmm.

Not too long ago, I put mustard on stuff for the color rather than the flavor. Now I find I like the heat mustard can bring. It's like wasabi heat, but yellow.

This struck me as sort of funny: Maille is by Unilever, the same people who give me my Breyer's ice cream. But doesn't Dijon mustard mean it's from Dijon? As in France? As in NOT Canada?

In the 18th century, a Dijon manufacturer called Naigeon fixed the recipe for 'strong' or 'white' mustard, the production of which was synchronized with the wine harvest, as the black and brown seeds were mixed with verjuice [acid juice of large grapes]. Today, Dijon mustard is prepared with verjuice and white wine, Orleans mustard with wine vinegar, and Bordeaux mustard, which is milder and brown in colour, with grape must (the French word for mustard is derived from mout ardent, i.e. 'piquant must'). -- per Larousse Gastronomique, 1984
So I guess that means no, it doesn't have to be from Dijon, just prepared with verjuice and white wine. And this leaves me with more questions since the ingredient statement for this "original" Dijon is lacking the verjuice and wine. I don't get it. Anyone have a later copy of Larousse care to fill me in?

Regardless, this mustard is tasty.

Maille Dijon Originale mustard, available in the condiment aisle of Ralph's for $6.29 a 7.5-oz jar. That makes each of about 42 teaspoons approximately $0.15.

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