
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New York Steak Sandwich

Beef and cheddar is so wonderful especially when it's New York steak and aged cheddar.

I bought this steak and figured I'd eat it over a couple salads. When ready to cook it, I saw the burger buns. The bulb went off and I started in on making a steak sandwich.

First the steak was salted, peppered and oiled. Then I pan-seared the steak as I'd done a rib eye previously.

Increasing searing time on each side from 30 second to a full minute resulted in some lovely looking beef!

While the steak rested, I toasted a bun in the broiler.

Once rested, I started slicing the steak. Unfortunately, I should have cut a couple minutes off the steak roasting time as it was a little too done. The center was pink but not at all bloody.

The bun was layered with slices from half the steak which was topped with Hook's aged cheddar, halved grape tomatoes (they're all I had!) and a smidge of A1 for lube. Oh yeah, and a big pile of lettuce. I like crunch on my sandwiches.

This sandwich kicked ass, though I did go a little overboard with the lettuce. The beef was tender and the cheese was perfect here; even A1 on this steak worked well. Some grilled onions would have been dreamy on it. Next time.

Guessing, this sandwich cost about $4.

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