
Monday, August 2, 2010

Roast Beef on Ciabatta with Expensive-as-Hell Cheese

Roast Beef and Aged Cheddar on Ciabatta with a side of too-crispy fries.

Once the fries were just about ready, I cut off a hunk of ciabatta from the loaf and split it in half. With a steak knife, I attempted to cut slices from the tiny brick of expensive-as-hell Hook's 10-year-old cheddar to find that slices would be impossible -- the cheddar was so crumbly!

The other half of ciabatta was topped with a quarter pound of Boar's Head roast beef which was then smeared with Whole Grain with Garlic Mustard.

A couple of romaine lettuce leaves were placed on the cheese before the roast beef and mustard half of the sandwich joined the cheesy lettuce half.

At this point, I was kicking myself for not having picked up a red onion to slice and a nice tomato.

The sandwich was enjoyed with some oven-baked fries*.

*The fries were prepared just as they were previously, per the Oven-Baked Fries recipe, except I only used one potato. So take note: if you don't want overly-crisp fries, use a baking sheet fitting for the potato quantity.

The sandwich was good. However, it was too big with bread. I should've cut a smaller chunk of bread and ate it the same day it was purchased. As it was, I ate the hunk of ciabatta the second day and it was becoming a little chewy. Overall, the sandwich was good. I anticipate a re-do in the future utilizing per individual bread portions but with the same cheese and beef.

The cheese? Spectacular!! It was simply awesome. Even with just a few crumbly wanna-be shavings, the cheese was pronounced within each bite. Oh yeah, it was super good. The roast beef as well.


Guessing? This sandwich cost me about $10. And I'm kicking myself over the lack of tomato and red onion!


  1. That cheddar sounds SO delicious I might have to go seek it out... though I shudder to think what astronomical price they'll probably charge for it in NYC.

  2. If you do find it, let me know what it goes for there!
