
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Roast Beef Sandwich Tortilla...Wrap?

Roast Beef and Cheddar Wrap

I thought I'd be able to stretch the ciabatta I bought two days ago, but it was nearly as hard as a brick tonight. When "they" tell you that you should eat fresh bread the day you purchase it, "they" weren't kidding.

With a pile of roast beef and lettuce and a small hunk of insanely expensive cheese, I was bound and determined to eat a sandwich of some type.

The tortillas weren't green, so away I went.

A single 8" tortilla was placed in a small skillet and flipped regularly to ensure even heating. While in the skillet, some Hook's cheddar was dispersed over the tortilla.

Once the tortilla was quite warm and the cheese began melting, the cheese-ladened tortilla was removed from heat. Two slices of roast beef was placed over the cheese followed by some mustard. Then I decided that two slices of beef wasn't sufficient and a third slice was placed over the mustard-ladened beef.

A giant romaine leaf was folded in half and placed over the beef before the entire thing was rolled into a wrap.

Fast and tasty. Again, I miss the red onion and tomatoes. C'est la vie. And I wished I'd made some fries.


Just guessing, about $6. That cheese was expensive!

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