
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pizza on Boboli Whole Wheat Crust

Number 1 Lasagna meat sauce topped with onion, green bell pepper, mushroom, and black olive on a Boboli crust

With my Boboli on the sales-counter top, realizing that what I was going to do might just possibly be a mistake, I dumped all 2 cups of leftover Number 1 Lasagna sauce over the Boboli and spread the sauce to the outer half-inch, leaving a "crust".

I sprinkled on some onion, green bell pepper, sliced mushrooms, and chopped black olives.

Then the rest of the mozzarella cheese I had left from the Number 1 Lasagna, the third pound I forgot to add over the first layer.

Then I baked the pie for 20-25 minutes.

Woo, doggy, doesn't this look tasty?

After letting it cool on a bamboo cutting board a few minutes, I sliced the pie into six. Hey! I was hungry.

Look at this slice. It looks kinda pitiful, doesn't it, for a "homemade" pizza?

And that's justified by the taste of the crust. I'll be honest, Boboli blows chunks in my book. Won't be visiting Boboli again. At least not until they come up with a "new and improved" version. Their food chemists need to reconfigure this formula. I wonder if the non-wheat formula is decent. This wheat crust was sort of, well, cardboardish.

The sauce, while sweet for pizza, worked quite nicely. While there was a lot, I mean a LOT, of sauce, it did not make the Boboli soggy. I did see again that I should've drained the grease when I made the sauce. The toppings were good and the cheese quantity was perfect.

As for cost, I'm going to SWAG this at about $7, or $2.33 for each of three servings.

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