
Monday, February 25, 2013

Spiced Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake, Take 4

I was going to ramble on about this latest take on cheesecake. But shit, this is boring me and I made the damn thing! In a nutshell I didn't fix the problems found in the previous trials. However, I did find that draining the pumpkin worked very well to yield a nice pumpkin swirl with minimal cracking.

Spiced Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake, Take 4
recipe from Cooking Club of America
Take 3
Take 2 and the follow-up
First try

Baked the crust and found it greasy so used three paper towels to "degrease" it by patting.

The batter was prepared, the layers poured and swirled before baking.

After baking, the foil was removed and lots of water was observed.

Even after sitting on a towel for 12 hours, more water leaked out.

I cut a slice and ate it anyway.

And a day later, after sitting uncovered in the fridge there's lots of moisture/grease in the crust. Blech.

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