
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cheesecake Factory

The day of my birthday, I was taken to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I'd never been there before and it took me forever to make up my mind what to get as they have some of everything. I mean, the menu is about 20 pages long. For real.

While I'd normally try a pizza combo of some sort, I'd had leftover pizza for breakfast. Thus I finally selected Renee's Special, which includes soup of the day, salad and half a sandwich.

What I didn't realize was that the salad would be dressed in something so marvelous that I'd eat every sliver of it and still be tempted to lick the plate. Or that the soup would come in a cup large enough to be called a bowl. This was my first time trying tortilla soup and while I expected it to be a little more spicy, the flavors were good. I polished off the entire bowl cup. And then I was stuffed, so brought my sandwich home.

It's been in my fridge a couple nights so the bread was slightly chewy and probably wasn't as good as it would've been had I eaten it in the restaurant. The turkey (dried out from the bread sucking up it's moisture, I'm sure) was sliced thicker than typical deli slices and seemed to be cut from a real turkey breast. I could actually see the grain of the meat, where with deli slices it's turkey and water shoved into a form (sometimes to resemble breast) and the subsequent slices don't have any grain at all.

I'll visit Cheesecake Factory again. If you haven't tried it, I recommend Renee's Special.

I'd report the cost, but as I didn't buy, don't have the receipt. I'm guessing about $10.

Wait 'til you see what I selected for dessert. It's crazy!

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