This is what my broiler pan looked like when I used it to hold the water necessary for baking that Crusty Boule.
This is what it looked like after scraped away the loosened big chunks.

Look at the broiler rack! It's hideous!

When I was at Target, I considered buying a new broiler rack and pan for about $20. Then I remembered the Easy-Off. It worked on my oven so I gave it a try, squirting it on the pan and rack.

After about 6 minutes, the whiteness of the Easy-Off turned a goopy brown and I was done looking at the mess. Imagine my surprise when I stuck the pan and rack in the sink to rinse and the goop simply washed away.

For the most part anyway.
While an improvement, the pan needed another go-round with the Easy-Off. I squirted it, inverted the broiler rack over the pan and squirted it with Easy-Off as well.

After 20 minutes, I rinsed the rack, bottom and top, as well as the broiler pan.

I saved myself $20 on a new broiler rack and pan, plus I "revitalized" my old one -- no waste! I really love sodium hydroxide!
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