When shopping for yogurt, I look for the one that has the least amount of junk in it. I want milk and bacteria. That's it.
This time I bought Chobani yogurt. It's Greek, which just means it's been strained. Chobani also has a boatload of protein in it.

The part that is important to me is the ingredients: cultured pasteurized nonfat milk, live and active cultures (S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, bifidus and L. casei).

23 g of protein, or 46% of the daily value; no corn syrup, no pectin, no weird stuff. Just milk and microorganisms.
Check out Chobani's FAQ's page if you're wondering what's up with this yogurt.
Chobani plain non-fat Greek yogurt, available at Smart & Final in a 32 oz container for $5.59.
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