What better to have with lasagna than a warm slice of crusty bread? Ok, maybe a salad, but this bread was tip-top!
I bought this loaf of bread from the store thinking it would go very well with some Mushroom-Spinach Lasagna. It's a take and bake, meaning it's only cooked for the most part and you get to heat up your kitchen (and entire apartment depending on the size of the joint) to finish cooking the bread yielding a wonderful aroma as well as fresh-baked bread.

Though my visual and salivary glands were on overdrive at the store, I admit I was a little skeptical about the outcome. Thankfully, my skepticism wasn't warranted.

While I followed the directions for the most part, my aim for 385°F was likely not perfect.

While the oven was warming to temp, I cut an end from the loaf; once the oven was suitably preheated, I put that end in the oven. The remaining majority of the bread was placed in a gallon Ziploc and put in the freezer.
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