While Aidells's Chicken and Apple Sausage broke the flood gates of sausage into my blogging life, it's the Cajun Style Andouille that really rocks my world. I could eat this right out of the package, cold.
This andouille has a nice flavor with just a little bit of heat -- it's tip-top. I highly recommend you try it.
And the ingredients?
Pork, water, salt, garlic, spices (including white pepper, red pepper and black pepper), sugar, paprika, celery powder and dehydrated onion.
You can't beat that. As a matter of fact, you could probably reproduce it in your kitchen. Oh now, that gets me to thinking that I should check out the sausage recipes in The Complete Meat Cookbook. Hmm...
If you really want to know the Nutrition Facts, click the image below.
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